One of the biggest issues facing clients is having a dysfunctional family. If the people that are supposed to love and care for you don’t, are you a person worthy of love and care? The answer to this is a resounding yes!
Sometimes we get dealt a bad spades hand. If you aren’t familiar with the game, as long as you have one spade in your hand, you have to play that hand. It leaves you at a bit of a disadvantage and makes a win pretty unlikely. Some of us get dealt a bad spades hand when it comes to family. You have just enough to where you really don’t have any other options but to play. The beautiful thing about life, and what makes it different from a spades hand, is that you can stack the deck during your next game. Friends are the family that you choose. They are the people that you pick to share your life.
No man is an island and we cannot exist without each other. The support and love from other humans is necessary for us to manage our day to day lives. This is why friendship is so important. Friends can fill in the gaps that our family can sometimes leave. Will a friend replace your mother? Absolutely not. But a friend can give you love, support, and acceptance that will make dealing with that not so great mother that life gave you a little easier. This is not a game of numbers. We all just need a small, close knit group of friends that we can depend on.
So instead of focusing on how there’s no way you’re going to win this game with the cards you’ve been dealt, focus instead on stacking the friend deck for your next hand. You have the control, choose wisely.